Saturday 17 January 2009

Some Sweden-ish and Harry Potter!

I just have to quote a fellow fefoare here...
"Anmälningen öppnar den 16 februari, stänger 1 april och tar in max 130 dumbomar, lipsillar stollar och tokskallar." - Her sweeping robes

I'm very emotional when it comes to Harry Potter, for those who didn't know. And when I first read about Expecto Patronum at fefo I got all teary an happy and I wish Mum could have seen me, and then she would never again say that Harry Potter makes me unhappy. (It's something weird she thinks just because I get all depressed when someone died in the books, when I think about the sixth and seventh movies or do something else on the subject that might get me to feel down. But it's like with Doctor Who when something sad happens. It's heartbreaking, but in a way it's a good kind of pain. It's a confirmation of that I really love it, and that feels good.)
Anyway, then I saw the site, and started crying, and then I saw those words on Vicki's blog and it was all Dumbledore's words and he's on my mind a lot nowadays because the sixth movie is coming up, I cried even harder. But at the same time I was laughing, and it was confusing and wonderful and sad and weird and painful and awesome all at the same time, and it felt so bloody nice. Then I found a reason to think Dreaner might like Doctor Who, which made things even more hilarious.

I'm so going. And now I really know what people I want to go see the movie with. I mean, this is the people that made me wake up and be who I want to be last summer. I would even go as far as to say that last summer was the first time I really was myself since I was really, really small and didn't know how to be anything else. And last time I looked at a movie with a bunch of real HP-fans was one of the most awesome things I've ever done. And that was with a movie everyone had already seen hundreds of times, so I wonder what it will be like now, when people might have seen it one time before, if even that. I hope I'll be able to see it before, because I really want to see it with Katie, and it would be awesome to look at it and then just go to Stockholm and spend four days in the wizarding world, if you get my drift. ^_~ Then again, I don't know if I want to see the movie, break down, and then put myself in a train before I manage to recover. At Expecto Patronum I will have people to be devastated with, and recover with, who will make it easier. But it might be worth it anyway... I'll have to think about it. But I'm definitely going, no matter what.



  1. Borlänge är ju modellmetro"kupolen" i dalarna ju, eller har jag fel menar du ;)

  2. (Engelska eller svenska.... vi tar engelska)

    Hej, vem är du?
    Jag har ju såklart fattat att du kommer från fefo, och jag blev bara så glad när jag såg att det var någon jag inte hade tvingat att läsa min blogg som läste den. :D

    Svara hur du vill, men jag är väldigt nyfiken :)

  3. (det blir svenska idag)

    Har spånat lite snabbt och ska fortsätta spåna en stund i bloggen din. jag gillar den! fast något säger mig att jag borde ha sett denna tidigare, pinsamt värre att jag är så efter i tiden. Förlåt. Ska ha bättre koll på mina läsare! ^^
