Friday 30 January 2009

Think this will be a long one...

I haven't been complaining about boredom in a long time now, and back when I did, I guess I never really wanted it to be like this. I wanted the boredom to be replaced with fun and exciting things, and well, it were. Sito came along, I discovered the Rift, and Drama and Dance in school is as exciting as ever. It's not Wicked, but I still get to challenge myself playing Princess Roxy.

But then there's other things that isn't fun or exciting at all...

Obviously, I'm talking about Tim. He's still living here, and he keeps messing up. He breaks things and throws things and swears like there's no tomorrow. I never mind people swearing, I do it myself sometimes, but it feels like he does it in every sentence. And that is just one thing that he does that he knows I don't like. But yesterday he really went over the edge.
If it's one thing I despise and think is cowardly, it's people committing suicide. That's just fleeing from ones troubles, and it doesn't solve anything, just leaves the living people behind with lots of sorrow and questions of what did we do wrong? Was it my fault? And then Tim was sitting there, in the sofa in the living room, more than one hour late (he had been out with friends and we had told him to be home at seven pm, and that was the second time he'd been home too late) and refusing to go to bed. The clock was well past a ten-year-old's bedtime, and he had school. And he was sitting there, and he was horrible, he was mocking me and Mum. Finally, Mum gave up, as she does, but I stayed against better judgement, because I was already angry and I don't want to snap and do something stupid.

And then he said he wanted to take his life before his eighteenth birthday, because his' life was hell. Before that he had said so many things, that he didn't care about school or what happened to him or how his' future would look. He said all those things to me, and there is nothing more I regret than skipping school as I've done, because it has destroyed so much for me. And I know how horrible it is to not have any friends. And my grandfather took his own life, so I know what it's like to get left behind. And I just became so angry. It was like he was sitting there saying he didn't care about my life, like my life and what I've been through was rubbish. And it isn't, it definitely isn't. It has taken so much fighting, so much strength to hold on to what little glimmer of hope I've been able to find in that darkness. And people wonder how I can be so afraid of Dementors when they don't even exist. It's because I know how they would make me feel.

I could feel myself getting angry, and I was almost close to hitting him, I wanted to do it. But I didn't, I swore instead, and you know what he did? He laughed. And then he asked me "So you can swear?" I left then, fled into my room. I was shivering all over, and then I started crying. But Tim won't be the first person I get such thoughts out of the head from. I've done it once, I can do it again. I have some amazing self-control, and I've saved a life. Never underestimate what can save a life. Never underestimate me. I'm only little in looks. ^_~

On a completely other topic, something really weird and spooky happened the night before yesterday. I was sitting by my computer (which has recently been infected with a virus, but Sito fixed it, so we're both sure of that it really was gone when this happened, since he's a computer genius and all), and looking at a series, when this weird voice could be heard. It reminded me of when a mobile rings, you know, that bleeping sound that just comes and goes and then that's it? This one did exactly the same, although it was longer and didn't bleep at all. It was a child's voice, calling "mummy!" over and over again, first very low, and then it increased. Spooky as hell. And then, after a while, it just disappeared, but I was smart enough to record it, so if anyone wants to hear it, I can send it to them.

I first went all "it's some sort of ghost!" (while I freaked out at the same time, obviously), Mum thought I faked it (I didn't expect anything else either, of course...), and Sito went on about that idea of a mobile signal, that it was just that, some kind of call. Maybe not aimed to my computer, but it just happened to pass through. Some kind of signal. But he said that, to do that, one would have to be alien, because who had ever heard of a Human sending a signal to a common computer? No one. I had to agree with him on that, but it's still a mystery that remains unsolved.

Sunday 25 January 2009


I like my little brother. Just do. No particular reason at all. ^___^

But damn, people such as myself that dare is awesome. And with such a father as ours... Maybe I'll tell him, let him know he's not alone. Encourage him. But anyway, lots of love to Jesper today.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

You'll have to be creative and come up with a title on your own, because I ain't doing it this time. ^^

Haven't written in a while now, here, I guess. There's really nothing interesting to tell that you didn't know already. I go to school, failed the test in Civics just like I said I would, hang with Sito, is a total nerd when it comes to Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew and the computer in general. Oh yeah, and I also helped my sister's son with his math homework. I must say it feels good to be better at math than someone, for once, even if it's a ten-year-old. To think that I was the class math genius at that age is hard to believe nowadays.

And now I'm gonna scream a little, because you just have to do that when listening to Avada Kedavra from Potter Puppet Pals, which I'm doing right now.

Civics starts in thirty minutes, which is nice. It's weird how much I actually enjoy the lessons but fail at the tests. Tony manages fine to keep us awake, and he's hilarious most of the time and a really good teacher that a lot of other ones really should try and learn from. But it's just something with sitting down in front of a paper in a silent room that makes everything dissapear. I dunno, I just don't like classrooms, and I don't like tests. Why couldn't everything in school be practical, like Drama or Dance? They could give us an apartment for a couple of weeks, and then we'd have to do our best to keep it, with working to earn the money and pay the rent, and stuff. And when it comes to all that politics we could get to hang out with the actual politicians for a few days at their job, to see how it worked. It could work, couldn't it?

Well, I did manage to write something anyway, for whoever might be interested in reading it.
But stay tuned for the review of Morning Musume's new single, minna-san! Naichau Kamo is good.

A guy just walked by that looked a bit like Darin. I'll have to check him out a bit closer sometime, if I get the chance.

Oh, and yeah, on the subject of boys... Dreaner likes Doctor Who. He is a Whovian, just like me. Isn't that awesome?

Oh, shut up and stop my fangirling.

With love you can dance without any pants on... ♪♫

Saturday 17 January 2009

Some Sweden-ish and Harry Potter!

I just have to quote a fellow fefoare here...
"Anmälningen öppnar den 16 februari, stänger 1 april och tar in max 130 dumbomar, lipsillar stollar och tokskallar." - Her sweeping robes

I'm very emotional when it comes to Harry Potter, for those who didn't know. And when I first read about Expecto Patronum at fefo I got all teary an happy and I wish Mum could have seen me, and then she would never again say that Harry Potter makes me unhappy. (It's something weird she thinks just because I get all depressed when someone died in the books, when I think about the sixth and seventh movies or do something else on the subject that might get me to feel down. But it's like with Doctor Who when something sad happens. It's heartbreaking, but in a way it's a good kind of pain. It's a confirmation of that I really love it, and that feels good.)
Anyway, then I saw the site, and started crying, and then I saw those words on Vicki's blog and it was all Dumbledore's words and he's on my mind a lot nowadays because the sixth movie is coming up, I cried even harder. But at the same time I was laughing, and it was confusing and wonderful and sad and weird and painful and awesome all at the same time, and it felt so bloody nice. Then I found a reason to think Dreaner might like Doctor Who, which made things even more hilarious.

I'm so going. And now I really know what people I want to go see the movie with. I mean, this is the people that made me wake up and be who I want to be last summer. I would even go as far as to say that last summer was the first time I really was myself since I was really, really small and didn't know how to be anything else. And last time I looked at a movie with a bunch of real HP-fans was one of the most awesome things I've ever done. And that was with a movie everyone had already seen hundreds of times, so I wonder what it will be like now, when people might have seen it one time before, if even that. I hope I'll be able to see it before, because I really want to see it with Katie, and it would be awesome to look at it and then just go to Stockholm and spend four days in the wizarding world, if you get my drift. ^_~ Then again, I don't know if I want to see the movie, break down, and then put myself in a train before I manage to recover. At Expecto Patronum I will have people to be devastated with, and recover with, who will make it easier. But it might be worth it anyway... I'll have to think about it. But I'm definitely going, no matter what.


Friday 16 January 2009

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!

I want those balloons... BUT WHERE ARE THEIR MAGENTA ROBES? >_<

Still though, lots of love to this picture. <3

Thursday 15 January 2009

My day, and no, I don't do diaries

There's been another tired day... but it was better than yesterday, mainly because I managed to steal some minutes sleep between two lessons. Lots of <3 to power-naps. Although it would be even better if Sito could go home earlier and not talk to me on the phone the whole evening/night. Seriously, he needs to get some mates to hang with. Preferably someone who doesn't have school to go to... Then again, I can understand him somewhat. I'm the only one he can be himself with. And if things were as it should be, not even I would know. So I have that small accident in the forest in October to thank for this new, fantastic life full of new knowledge about what is really out there that I now live.

Oh, and I must say; I love dancing! We did that today, and it felt so good afterwards! I'm walking around feeling so proud of myself because I worked really hard, and it felt like I lost some weight. Then I found some brochure about dancing in Falun, the nearest town, and I really feel like I should do it. I want to start doing things. School's not working out as good as it used to, and if I want to get into a good university in Drama/Music/Dance, then I'd better start doing something about it, something that can back up my grades. At least I could go and have a look, and then bother about what it will cost.

Remembering Dumbledore...?

I have some amazing mood swings... It took me one look at this picture to burst into tears.
Oh, July 17, why do you have to be so far away? What was ever wrong with November 21, WB?

Wednesday 14 January 2009


Today was... tiresome. There was school, as usual, although the first lesson Ida and I just sat around and talked, because we just didn't have the energy to do anything else. Then we fought our way through another Civics lesson, and then we had Drama which was just weird. I was high on energy drinks, I had a headache, and I was tired to death, so I think my Princess Roxanne might have come across as slightly drunk. ^^' But it was still fun, even if I felt extremely dizzy the whole way home after that.

There's two reasons to why I'm so tired... First is Sito and I sat up late yesterday talking about life, the universe and everything as we do. A lot. Apparently, he doesn't need as much sleep as Humans do, the lucky bastard. (Not that I seem to need as much sleeps as a normal Human either, but still...) Mum's been going on about how she thinks he's my boyfriend. As if we act like that! -_- So what if we're with each other a lot and he stays over late and helps me with lots of stuff and we can sit for hours just talking... It's not like we're lovey-dovey and runs around kissing or something. Gee, anyone should be able to see that we're just friends. Besides, me getting together with him, wouldn't that be, like, illegal? Since he's not Human.

The second reason is my sister's son, who's living with us right now because he can't get along with his mum at all (is that a family trait, or what? >_<), and his dad's in hospital. And I dunno... I mean, I like Tim to death, always will, but he seems to be in my face the entire day. And he's so snooty all the time and critizise everything. Mum just gets sad as usual, but I'm soon gonna snap or something, I'm afraid. I have a lot of pent-up anger inside me and I know that, it makes me afraid and then I start practicing my outstanding self-control as to not do something stupid. I guess that makes me an unstable person. But it's tiring, and sooner or later it'll be too much and I'll get really angry.

I'm gonna go to sleep now. Or try to, anyway. Good night.


Something about my little Hikari/Dawn section in the previous post got all messed up and refuses to be fixed, so here it comes...

Now, I've always liked Hikari/Dawn because of her appearance and clothes, but just like with Shaymin I like her more and more as I see her in action. Nothing will ever beat Misty, but Hikari/Dawn is close. And there is something special about Hikari/Dawn. She gets a lot of attention, more so than any of Ash's previous companions have done.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Thoughts on Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin

First off, it was brilliant, both me and Sito thought so.
Second, what's with the English name of the movie: Giratina and the Sky Warrior. What's wrong with using the Japanese one, but maybe cut it off a little (because it is awfully long). "Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet" would've worked just fine. Was it just because it didn't sound "cool" enough, or what? -_- In that case, it's just silly, stupid and totally uncool.

But back to the movie... It's not often I fawn over a Pokémon because it's cute, but when I first saw Shaymin months ago I squealed. And looking at this movie just made me like it even more. Not every legendary that show up in each of the movies has a proper personality, they are just really cute (Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy) or just really strong and kick-ass (Deoxys, Rayquaza, Kyogre, Dialga, Palkia, Regirock, Regice, Registeel), ready to save the world. (On a side note: Regirock, Regice, Registeel and Regigigas are the scariest Pokémon out there, I swear.) But here comes Shaymin, both cute, strong and with a kick-ass personality! ^^ And his Sky Forme is awsome too! You just got to love him/her/both/whatever-it-is. (These legendaries and their genderless-ness... >_<)

The movie has a really good story going on, I think, but I'll say nothing more about it because of spoilers. ^^' It follows its own little pace without being rushed and without being boring, and with some nice flashbacks from the previous movie to remind the one watching of what happened then. One definitely needs to see the previous one to understand this one... Oh, and the special effeckts kick ass, but they've always done that in Pokémon movies. (The doors in Mewtwo Strikes Back! <3)

As for the characters, I'd thought I'd talk a bit about them too...
Now, I've always liked Hikari/Dawn because of her appearance and clothes(<3!), style="font-style: italic;">a lot of attention, more so than any of Ash's previous companions have done.
Brock is, sadly, nothing but the fifth wheel in this movie. =/ He does absolutely nothing to the plot except makes sure the other two don't starve. And there's the obligatory scene where he flirts with Joy, of course (which he does in glasses, I might add! ^^), and a very adorable scene where he sends home flowers to his family (Ash and Hikari/Dawn does the same to theirs), but other than that; nada. That's sad, because I like Brock. He's cool, and I'm impressed on his patience with Ash during all these years... ^^' Guess that's what you get for being a big brother with so many siblings...?
Then there's this scholar named Mugen Graceland who helps Ash and co. out, and he's the ordinary grown-up and kind man with a surprising past. I didn't really know what to make of him until the end of the movie when he won me over with a nice gesture that meant a lot, methinks.
Team Rocket is just as much in this movie as Brock is, which is really, really sad. They crack a few jokes but not nearly as many as they've done at other times, Jessie is awsome as usual despite the little screen time, Meowth is adorable (R.I.P. Maddie <3>_<), and gorgeous James made me smile and be all giddy at the first sight of him. He doesn't need to try particulary hard. ^___^

I guess the Pokémon (minus Shaymin and Meowth, because I've already talked about them) should get their own little section too, so here goes...
Without spoiling too much; Giratina and Dialga are both awsome, although nothing more than those powerful beasts that is crucial to saving the day.
Mugen has a Shieldon that doesn't say much but just has something that makes me like it, along with a kick-ass attack.
I haven't seen enough of the new series to know what to think about Brock's Sudowoodo, Croagunk and Happiny, but I have to say I love his Croagunk. The way it acted when the others were eating, and how it dealt with Brock flirting with Joy... pure win.
Hikari's/Dawn's Pokémon are Piplup, Buneary, Ambipom, Pachirisu and Swinub. I love the crush Buneary has on Pikachu, and Piplup has some attitude. ;)
Ash's Gligar who I like only because I've been writing it in a fanfiction has apparently evolved into the awesome Gliscor and it's still awesome, as are the others. Buizel, Staravia, Turtwig and Chimchar also has a soft spot for the same reason as Gliscor (Chimchar has an even softer spot, since he's my favourite of the Generation IV starters).
Then we have Pikachu of course, which I don't even need to say anything about, because everyone should know that I love the little electric mouse from the bottom of my heart. <3

I've saved the two coolest characters till the end, and now I know you are all thinking something like "since when did Ash become one of the coolest charachters for you?!" And it's true that I've never liked him that much. I mean, it's Ash, so of course I like him, I kinda have to since I like the anime and he's in it like... all the time. He's always been able to make me laugh, and I do like his personality, but there was something with this movie that made it seem like he's matured a bit. He's still Ash, of course, still all fun and jokes and emotional at times, but he seems to have grown a little in this one, which is about time after all these years. And there was this one scene, that really made me realise how gorgeous he has become. Because you have to agree, he has changed.More hat-less Ash, please! And he should quit with the hair gel sometimes. It can't be good for the hair to use it all the time, can it?
Then, finally, it's Zero. Zero-sama, as he was called by his computer, which fits, because he is awesome enough to have that suffix added to his name. So yeah, his outfit is ridiculous. But his hair, and that evil gleam in his eye (you only saw one of them, because of his bangs... ^^')...Yummy, I'll just say. Yummy Zero-sama. <3 Best Human villain since Giovanni. But nothing beats Giovanni, so...

But overall; awesome movie, go watch it!
It's not as good as the first three movies or Lucario and the Mystery of Mew or Mewtwo Return, but it is one of the more awesome Pokémon movies out there! And I use "awesome" way too much... -_-

Giratina and the Sky Warrior

OMG, I found it! SUBBED! <333

... Well... Sito found it subbed. ^^' So thanks, Sito!


I got a new mobile today (and the new number of W.I.T.C.H.!)! Or at least a new charger, since I got a new mobile from my dad a long time ago, but then the charger didn't work so I couldn't use it anyway... Anyway, it's about time I'd say, since my old one has been broken since before the Christmas Holidays. And don't worry, I still have the same number... ^^

School today was okay, sort of. I still hate my class (the big one, that is), and Civics can just go hang itself or something. Tony, the teacher, asked me if I thought the subject was difficult, and I was like: "Duh! Whatcha think?" But of course I didn't say that out loud. ^^'
Problem is, I really do try to understand, but it just doesn't want to work. So I'll probably fail at the test on Friday, but at least this time Tony will be able to see I tried. Not like last time, where I didn't care at all...
Next up's religion. We've stopped talking about Christianity, thank god (ha!). Now we've moved on to Islam, which is so much better... not. I could practically hear everyone in the room thinking about Meral, which was quite amazing. I could sort of see it on their faces when the movie we looked at went all "in Islam, woman has just as much right to chose how they want to live as the men". Yeah, so that was why our classmate was forced to go back to Turkey with her family to be married before she turned eighteen, so that they could force her into the religion she didn't want to be part of? Bleh. But I don't think every Islamist is like that. It's like with every religion; there are extremists everywhere, and I just have the bad luck to run into them a lot. -_-
But it was cool, that for once the whole class seemed unified. That's something that has certainly not happened before, and I'll savour the moment.

I'll be going now, Sito just came over. He's going to help me tidy my room. ^^


... I have one. And just admit it; it is awesome. ;) Sito and I made it, so that's why. ^^ And yeah, that's him, at least as he looks right now. ;P

Monday 12 January 2009

The song playing...

... is good. And it's also my song, because I identify myself with it a lot. I know it's awefully old and very Spice Girl-ish and Nineties, but I like it, so I'm putting it up here whether people like it or not.

And well, if you can't stand it, you can just turn off the sound or pause it or something.


Well, my name's Lenore, and this is my blog. It's not done at all yet, but I've just started, so bear with me. ^^' Sito has promised he'll help me make a nice header later, as soon as I've found some nice images for him to do it with. I'll help, of course, because I'm not that bad with image editing, you know. I have GIMP, which works. Sito was going on about Earth's crappy image editing programs when I first asked him for help, and then he asked me if I wanted Photoshop, because then he could get it for me for free. I actually said no to that, because I've tried Photoshop before, and I never managed to get the hang of it. I don't even understand GIMP properly, so... ^^'

Anyway, I thought I should introduce myself a little better... I'm Lenore, as I've already said, called "Lee" by my alien friend Sito, who also is my... well, English-talking friend, I guess. We both live in Sweden, and both know Swedish, but we prefer to talk English with each other, because we just like that language better. And there are some Swedish words that Sito don't know yet (even if they are frightfully few, considering the short time he has spent here) , so it all became easier if we stuck to a language both knew about just as good. Oh, yeah, and I also know some Danish, since my grandfather was from there and we have a bunch of relatives there.

But I bet you're all wondering about the "alien friend" part now, ey? Well, it's sort of complicated, and Sito first went ballistic when he found out that I was writing it in my blog "for everyone to see!" as he put it. But then we both figured that no-one would believe this to be true anyway, so I could just go for it. ^__^

It all begins with the Rift, I guess. Not far from my house there is a forest, and in that forest is a small Rift in Space and Time, through which, occasionally, some aliens or something else will come through, either by mistake or on purpose. Most of these aliens are smart enough to keep quiet, or Humans just can't see them, or something. Sometimes they just don't want to see them. "That's Humans in a nutshell, ignoring the obvious just because they can't believe it." as Sito so kindly put it. That's him in a nutshell by the way, insulting the Humans and believing himself to be beyond them just because he happens to be smart. I can agree on that he probably would beat any Human when it comes to computers and technology, or in a game of chess, but that doesn't make him superior to us in any way, does it?

Anyway, a few days before Halloween last year, I was walking through that forest, trying to get some alone-time to think about me and my mum's relationship, which, I might add, wasn't the best in the universe. I say "wasn't", because while it isn't the best, it's much better now than it was then. It's a good thing things change, ne? (Sorry, that was my obsession for Japanese sneaking in... ^^') But while I was walking in the forest, I found a very weird animal (it was frikkin' blue XD) on the ground, who looked kinda dead. Turned out he wasn't though, but that he had just fainted when falling out of the Rift. While I couldn't understand a word of his language (and don't even get me started on how unpronounceable his full name and the name of his home planet is!) it soon turned out he knew English so that we could communicate properly.

I was a bit unnerved around him in the beginning, I'll admit that, what with all that shape-shifting he was able to do, although it did get to good use since he could use it to pretend he was a Human. (He took his appearance from a model in one of my fashion magazines and altered it a little to look a bit more "ordinary". I mean, seriously. That's just not fair.) And since he was really good with computers he borrowed mine to hack into something that looked really forbidden and secretive and classified (he didn't even want to tell me what it was, so I guess it was really bad) and made himself a life. Seriously (Siriusly... Black? ^^'). His Human name became "Sito Janson", which is just showing how unimaginative he is. I mean, the surname differs two letters from mine. Although mine's cooler.

So yeah, we've become really good friends during these two and a half months, more friendly than what I usually become with someone during that little time. It's weird, but we just sort of seem to fit together. And he's told me so many fantastic things about life, the universe, and everything. (Get The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy-reference, anyone? ^_~)

Anyway, now I'm off to work some more on this blog. Make it a bit more fancy.