Tuesday 13 January 2009


I got a new mobile today (and the new number of W.I.T.C.H.!)! Or at least a new charger, since I got a new mobile from my dad a long time ago, but then the charger didn't work so I couldn't use it anyway... Anyway, it's about time I'd say, since my old one has been broken since before the Christmas Holidays. And don't worry, I still have the same number... ^^

School today was okay, sort of. I still hate my class (the big one, that is), and Civics can just go hang itself or something. Tony, the teacher, asked me if I thought the subject was difficult, and I was like: "Duh! Whatcha think?" But of course I didn't say that out loud. ^^'
Problem is, I really do try to understand, but it just doesn't want to work. So I'll probably fail at the test on Friday, but at least this time Tony will be able to see I tried. Not like last time, where I didn't care at all...
Next up's religion. We've stopped talking about Christianity, thank god (ha!). Now we've moved on to Islam, which is so much better... not. I could practically hear everyone in the room thinking about Meral, which was quite amazing. I could sort of see it on their faces when the movie we looked at went all "in Islam, woman has just as much right to chose how they want to live as the men". Yeah, so that was why our classmate was forced to go back to Turkey with her family to be married before she turned eighteen, so that they could force her into the religion she didn't want to be part of? Bleh. But I don't think every Islamist is like that. It's like with every religion; there are extremists everywhere, and I just have the bad luck to run into them a lot. -_-
But it was cool, that for once the whole class seemed unified. That's something that has certainly not happened before, and I'll savour the moment.

I'll be going now, Sito just came over. He's going to help me tidy my room. ^^

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