Monday 12 January 2009


Well, my name's Lenore, and this is my blog. It's not done at all yet, but I've just started, so bear with me. ^^' Sito has promised he'll help me make a nice header later, as soon as I've found some nice images for him to do it with. I'll help, of course, because I'm not that bad with image editing, you know. I have GIMP, which works. Sito was going on about Earth's crappy image editing programs when I first asked him for help, and then he asked me if I wanted Photoshop, because then he could get it for me for free. I actually said no to that, because I've tried Photoshop before, and I never managed to get the hang of it. I don't even understand GIMP properly, so... ^^'

Anyway, I thought I should introduce myself a little better... I'm Lenore, as I've already said, called "Lee" by my alien friend Sito, who also is my... well, English-talking friend, I guess. We both live in Sweden, and both know Swedish, but we prefer to talk English with each other, because we just like that language better. And there are some Swedish words that Sito don't know yet (even if they are frightfully few, considering the short time he has spent here) , so it all became easier if we stuck to a language both knew about just as good. Oh, yeah, and I also know some Danish, since my grandfather was from there and we have a bunch of relatives there.

But I bet you're all wondering about the "alien friend" part now, ey? Well, it's sort of complicated, and Sito first went ballistic when he found out that I was writing it in my blog "for everyone to see!" as he put it. But then we both figured that no-one would believe this to be true anyway, so I could just go for it. ^__^

It all begins with the Rift, I guess. Not far from my house there is a forest, and in that forest is a small Rift in Space and Time, through which, occasionally, some aliens or something else will come through, either by mistake or on purpose. Most of these aliens are smart enough to keep quiet, or Humans just can't see them, or something. Sometimes they just don't want to see them. "That's Humans in a nutshell, ignoring the obvious just because they can't believe it." as Sito so kindly put it. That's him in a nutshell by the way, insulting the Humans and believing himself to be beyond them just because he happens to be smart. I can agree on that he probably would beat any Human when it comes to computers and technology, or in a game of chess, but that doesn't make him superior to us in any way, does it?

Anyway, a few days before Halloween last year, I was walking through that forest, trying to get some alone-time to think about me and my mum's relationship, which, I might add, wasn't the best in the universe. I say "wasn't", because while it isn't the best, it's much better now than it was then. It's a good thing things change, ne? (Sorry, that was my obsession for Japanese sneaking in... ^^') But while I was walking in the forest, I found a very weird animal (it was frikkin' blue XD) on the ground, who looked kinda dead. Turned out he wasn't though, but that he had just fainted when falling out of the Rift. While I couldn't understand a word of his language (and don't even get me started on how unpronounceable his full name and the name of his home planet is!) it soon turned out he knew English so that we could communicate properly.

I was a bit unnerved around him in the beginning, I'll admit that, what with all that shape-shifting he was able to do, although it did get to good use since he could use it to pretend he was a Human. (He took his appearance from a model in one of my fashion magazines and altered it a little to look a bit more "ordinary". I mean, seriously. That's just not fair.) And since he was really good with computers he borrowed mine to hack into something that looked really forbidden and secretive and classified (he didn't even want to tell me what it was, so I guess it was really bad) and made himself a life. Seriously (Siriusly... Black? ^^'). His Human name became "Sito Janson", which is just showing how unimaginative he is. I mean, the surname differs two letters from mine. Although mine's cooler.

So yeah, we've become really good friends during these two and a half months, more friendly than what I usually become with someone during that little time. It's weird, but we just sort of seem to fit together. And he's told me so many fantastic things about life, the universe, and everything. (Get The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy-reference, anyone? ^_~)

Anyway, now I'm off to work some more on this blog. Make it a bit more fancy.

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