Wednesday 16 September 2009

I hate titles. 'Cause you need to come up with them.

What not to do when you are sick, have a fever, needles in your throat, difficulty breathing, and have a horrible headache:

1. Watch the banned Pokémon episode that gave lots of Japanese kids seizures due to very fast flashing of red and blue light.

Yeah... kinda did it anyway. ^^' My heart was going *dokidoki* the whole thing through though. Because I've tried watching it once before, years ago, but my head kinda got split in two that time, so I didn't watch it the whole way through. Now people might argue that when something like that happens you just shouldn't watch it a second time, but I love my Pokémon and I have a bit of a weak spot for Porygon. I mean, just look at it. How can you not love that? Besides, the Porygon I have in Platinum kicks ass. And it's evolutions looks awesome too.

Anyway, this time I took certain precautions. I didn't watch it in HQ. I didn't watch it in full screen. And I wore, lo and behold; sunglasses. XD No kidding, I really did. Must've looked really daft, but there you go.

And I did watch it the whole way though this time. My head did hurt a little the first seizure-moment, but nothing worse than what it has done frequently the last two days. Who knows, it might even not have been the episode's fault but my head just being really mean again at just that moment. ^^'
The second big main seizure-moment got me all teary-eyed, but my head stayed nice and didn't hurt at all. So yeah. Mission Electric Soldier Porygon accomplished.

... I know. The whole thing is really stupid. But there is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. So just call me a Gryffindor. ^_^ Whoops, wrong blog. x)

Now I will proceed with some Pikachu-bashing. Let's hope Sito's not got too much against that. ^^'
But it is so unfair. Ever since this episode poor, wonderful Porygon or its evolutions hasn't been feautured in one single episode. It would've been understandable if it was actually Porygon that caused that flashing light, but it was bloody Pikachu. And while I love that mouse to death (even though it isn't my favourite ^^'), that just isn't fair. Oh well. The whole episode was a bit on crack, anyway. Kinda like the final episode of True Blood's second season when that scary (but oh-so-beautiful) woman looked at that cow like she wanted to kiss it. Or maybe it was a bull? I dunno. But I have to confess that I laughed at that. It was kinda stupid. The rest of the episode was awesome, though. Poor Bill. And what's up with the red-head?

I just got awfully off-topic, didn't I? ^^' Yey for that. Not. I'm gonna go continue with watching Pokémon now. So buh-bye, my darlings.

(I really have to stop saying that. Creeps me out, it does. XD)

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